I love to make this kale juice when I’m feeling tired or sick. The wonderful thing about juicing is all the nutrients go straight to …

healthy plant-based recipes
I love to make this kale juice when I’m feeling tired or sick. The wonderful thing about juicing is all the nutrients go straight to …
This juice is both healing and energizing. It’s a great juice to drink in the morning or when you’re feeling sick. It has cancer-fighting properties …
This heavy metal detox smoothie was created by Anthony William, the man behind the famous Medical Medium books. It helps remove metals like lead and …
This salad is jam-packed with nutrients with a mix of cruciferous vegetables and vegan proteins that will surely fill you up during that lunch slump. …
I usually start my morning with a warm glass of lemon water. This is a great way to get your digestive track warmed up. But …
I make this smoothie every morning for my kids as a great way to up their antioxidant intake with wild blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries. Mangos …
This smoothie was created by Brooke Goldner, MD who wrote Goodbye Lupus. She had incorporated this to increase her cruciferous vegetable intake and for its …